TRAVIAN Hero's adventure Items :
TRAVIAN Hero's adventure Items :
The Teutons Hero's right handed items are equipable items - this means that once your hero has been equipped with the sword/lance/hammer, the bonus effect begins immediately. The sword can then be removed at a later time without losing its bonus, and re-used by yourself or sold for silver via the Auction House to another player.
Item types for Romans
There are 15 Hero's right handed items for Teutons (3 tiers of 5 types) available to find on Travian 4.0 servers, for a Teuton they have 3 suited for infantry troops and 2 suited toward cavalry. Their benefits improve hero fighting strength (both attacking and defending) and increase the fighting strength of the units the right-handed item is geared towards.
Tier 3 : Morning star of the Clubswinger
[+1,500 hero fighting strength] [+5 attack for each clubswinger] [+5 defence for each clubswinger]
[+1,500 hero fighting strength] [+5 attack for each clubswinger] [+5 defence for each clubswinger]
Tier 1 : Spear of the Spearman
[+500 hero fighting strength] [+3 attack for each spearman] [+3 defence for each spearman]
Tier 2 : Spike of the Spearman
[+1,000 hero fighting strength] [+4 attack for each spearman] [+4 defence for each spearman]
Tier 3 : Lance of the Spearman
[+1,500 hero fighting strength] [+5 attack for each spearman] [+5 defence for each spearman]
[+500 hero fighting strength] [+3 attack for each spearman] [+3 defence for each spearman]
Tier 2 : Spike of the Spearman
[+1,000 hero fighting strength] [+4 attack for each spearman] [+4 defence for each spearman]
Tier 3 : Lance of the Spearman
[+1,500 hero fighting strength] [+5 attack for each spearman] [+5 defence for each spearman]
Tier 1 : Hatchet of the Axeman
[+500 hero fighting strength] [+3 attack for each axeman] [+3 defence for each axeman]
Tier 2 : Axe of the Axeman
[+1,000 hero fighting strength] [+4 attack for each axeman] [+4 defence for each axeman]
Tier 3 : Battle Axe of the Axeman
[+1,500 hero fighting strength] [+5 attack for each axeman] [+5 defence for each axeman]
[+500 hero fighting strength] [+3 attack for each axeman] [+3 defence for each axeman]
Tier 2 : Axe of the Axeman
[+1,000 hero fighting strength] [+4 attack for each axeman] [+4 defence for each axeman]
Tier 3 : Battle Axe of the Axeman
[+1,500 hero fighting strength] [+5 attack for each axeman] [+5 defence for each axeman]
Tier 1 : Light Hammer of the Paladin
[+500 hero fighting strength] [+6 attack for each paladin] [+6 defence for each paladin]
Tier 2 : Hammer of the Paladin
[+1,000 hero fighting strength] [+8 attack for each paladin] [+8 defence for each paladin]
Tier 3 : Heavy Hammer of the Paladin
[+1,500 hero fighting strength] [+10 attack for each paladin] [+10 defence for each paladin]
Tier 1 : Short Sword of the Knight
[+500 hero fighting strength] [+9 attack for each knight] [+9 defence for each knight]
Tier 2 : Sword of the Knight
[+1,000 hero fighting strength] [+12 attack for each knight] [+12 defence for each knight]
Tier 3 : Long Sword of the Knight
[+1,500 hero fighting strength] [+15 attack for each knight] [+15 defence for each knight]
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